师资队伍 —— 马致远





  1. 2005 年 9 月-2009 年 6 月,南京大学,计算机科学与技术系,计算机科学与技术专业

  2. 2011 年 9 月-2013 年 8 月(硕博连读),电子科技大学,计算机科学与工程学院,软件工程,导师:韩宏 副教授

  3. 2012 年 10 月-2013 年 8 月中国电子科技集团公司第32研究所成都研发中心,实习工程师

  4. 2013 年 9 月-2019 年 6 月(硕博连读),电子科技大学,计算机科学与工程学院,计算机系统结构,导师:罗光春 教授

  5. 2014 年 9月 – 2016 年 3 月 (联合培养),ASU, School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering, Tutor:Dijiang Huang, Associate Prof.

  6. 2019 年 7 月-2020 年 6月,华东理工大学,博士后

  7. 2020 年 7 月 - 至今,上海理工大学,健康科学与工程学院, 讲师






  1. Z. Ma, M. Pan, Y.* Hou, L. Yang, W. Wang. Toward knowledge integration with large language model for end-to-end aspect-based sentiment analysis in social multimedia[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2024.

  2. Z. Ma*, J. Qin, S. Tang, J. Mi, D. Liu. Learning economically for Chinese word segmentation: Tuning pretrained model via active learning and N-gram preference[J]. Neural Computing and Applications, 2024(accept).

  3. Z. Ma*, J. Qin, M. Pan, S. Tang, J. Mi, D. Liu. Prompting unified generative framework with descriptive prompts for joint multi-intent detection and slot filling[J]. Electronics, 2024.

  4. Y. Hou, Z. Ma*, Z. Pan. Online multi-agent task assignment and path finding with kinematic constraint in federated internet of things[J]. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2023.

  5. J. Mi, S. Tang, Z. Ma, D. Liu, J. Zhang. Weakly supervised referring expression grounding via target-guided knowledge distillation[C]. In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023.

  6. J. Qin, X. Li, M. Pan, G. Liu, Z. Ma. Boosting Gas Classification with Attention-based Mechanism[C]. In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control. 2022: 1-6.

  7. S. Tang, Y. Shi, Z. Ma, J. Li, J. Lyu, Q. Li, J. Zhang. Model Adaptation through Hypothesis Transfer with Gradual Knowledge Distillation, IROS 2021. (CCF C类会议)

  8. T. Cai, Z. Ma, H. Zheng, Y. Zhou. NE-LP: Normalized entropy and loss prediction based sampling for active learning in Chinese word segmentation on EHRs[J]. Neural Computing and Applications. 2021: 12535–12549. (SCI 三区, IF:5.102)

  9. J. Zhang, X. Zhang, H. Zhang, Z. Ma, Q. Ye, P. He, Y. Zhou. From electronic health records to terminology base: A novel knowledge base enrichment approach[J]. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2021, 113: 1-9. (SCI 三区,IF:8.000)

  10. J. Qiu, Y. Zhou, Z. Ma, T. Ruan, et al. Question answering based clinical text structuring using pre-trained language model[C]. In Proc. of International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine. 2019: 1596-1600. (CCF B类会议)

  11. D. Liu, Z. Ma, Y. Zhou, J. Zhai, T. Cai, K. Xue, P. He. Intelligent hospital guidance System based on multi-Round conversation[C]. In Proc. of International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2019: 1716-1723. (CCF B类会议)

  12. K. Xue, Y. Zhou, Z. Ma, T. Ruan, H. Zhang, P. He. Fine-tuning BERT for joint entity and relation extraction in Chinese medical text[C]. In Proc. of International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine. 2019: 892-897. (CCF B类会议)

  13. L. Zhao, Z. Ma, Y. Zhou, K. Wang, S. Liu, J. Gao, W. Du. CBOWRA: A representation learning approach for medication anomaly detection[C]. In Proc. of International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine. 2019: 1540-1543.(CCF B类会议)

  14. W. Niu, X. Zhang, G. Yang, Z. Ma, Z. Zhuo. Phishing emails detection using CS-SVM [C]. In Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (IEEE ISPA 2017), Guangzhou, 2017.12.( CCF C类会议)

  15. N. Wang, W. Zhong, S. Chen, Z. Ma, Ling X, Zhu Y. Power-gating-aware scheduling with effective hardware resources optimization[J]. Integration, 2018, 61:167-177. (SCI四区,IF:1.000)

  16. N. Wang, S. Chen, Z. Ma, X. Ling, Y. Zhu. Integrating operation scheduling and binding for functional unit power-gating in high-level synthesis[J]. Integration, the VLSI Journal, 2018. (In press. SCI四区,IF:1.000)

  17. Z. Ma, G. Luo, D. Huang. Short term traffic flow prediction based on on-line sequential extreme learning machine[C]. In Proc. of International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence. 2016:143-149. (EI检索)

  18. Z. Ma, G. Luo, K. Qin, N. Wang, W. Niu. Online Sensor Drift Compensation for E-Nose Systems Using Domain Adaptation and Extreme Learning Machine[J]. Sensors 2018, 18(3): 742-770. (SCI 三区,IF:2.677)

  19. Z. Ma, G. Luo, K. Qin, N. Wang, W. Niu. Weighted Domain Transfer Extreme Learning Machine and Its Online Version for Gas Sensor Drift Compensation in E-Nose Systems[J]. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2018. (CCF C类期刊,SCI 四区, IF:1.899)

  20. 马致远, 罗光春, 秦科, 汪楠. 在线增量极限学习机及其性能研究[J/OL].计算机应用研究,2018(12):1-7[2018-03-05].

  21. 彭凝多, 罗光春, 秦科, 李春虎, 马致远. 增量式多关键字可搜索加密算法[J]. 计算机工程与设计, 2015(6):1472-1475.

  22. 韩士洋,马致远,杨芳艳,李想,汪伟. 针对中文分词的带标签注意力的成词记忆网络[J]. 计算机应用研究. 2022, 39(6): Online.


  1. Dijiang Huang; Yuli Deng; Jay Etchings; Zhiyuan Ma; Guangchun Luo; Chapter 5 Data-Intensive Compute Infrastructures, in:Etchings J A. Strategies in Biomedical Data Science: Driving Force for Innovation[M]. Hoboken, USA:John Wiley & Sons, 2017



  1. 马致远, 米金鹏, 秦纪伟, 唐宋, 刘丹, 袁儒鹏, 汪伟. 基于知识图谱与推荐的机器人问答系统V1.0.著作权号: 2022SR0024050, 2021.

  2. 唐宋, 袁儒鹏, 杨艳, 马致远, 米金鹏, 刘丹, 邹彦. 基于渐进式扫描匹配的机器人快速定位算法软件V1.0. 著作权号: 2022SR0024046. 2021.

  3. 唐宋, 袁儒鹏, 邹彦, 马致远, 米金鹏, 刘丹, 杨艳. 基于短时记忆融合的室内机器人动态导航算法软件V1.0. 著作权号: 2022SR0024047. 2019.

  4. 马致远,梁明,林宇翩,叶琪,蔡婷婷,徐陈铭,周潇. 文本标注工具V1.0.著作权号:2020SR1006620.2020.


  1. 马致远;刘高飞;潘美琦;米金鹏;唐宋;刘丹. 一种基于中文分词优化的中文语音合成方法,电子设备及存储介质, 2023-6-28, 中国,202310773458X

  2. 马致远;刘高飞;潘美琦;米金鹏;唐宋;刘丹. 一种基于情感检测的仿生机器人表情生成方法,2023-6-7, 中国,2023106670631

  3. 叶琪; 张佳影; 何萍; 阮彤; 张知行; 张欢欢; 马致远 ; 一种医疗术语知识库完善的方法和装置, 2019-8-21, 中国, CN201910775383.2.